domenica 16 giugno 2013

new handmade creations

Snowhite Necklace

Pollon Necklace

Draven Keychain

Elise league of legends Necklace

Fragment Chibiusa on crystal tokyo

Rainbow Brite / Iridella Necklace

Fragment Inuyasha

ChibiChibi Pendant

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lunedì 22 aprile 2013

domenica 14 aprile 2013


Since i forget to update the blog i will post my last creations :)

Couple of Chibiusa and Serenity Necklace

Creamy Mami Pendant

Card Captor Sakura keyChain

Come and visit my facebook and etsy shop:

mercoledì 3 aprile 2013

Sailor Cosmos

If u watch my album photo u will see this is the second version of sailor cosmos. I crafted her again cause i improoved a lot my skill with polymeric clay, (and ofc i hope i will improve more ;D) and i want see this " improvement" on her ;). All u see, it's crafted with polymeric clay, no paint.
Let me know if u like her more then last one.

<<Sailor Cosmos was a character who played an important part in the Stars arc of the Sailor Moon manga, where she was revealed to be the true form of Chibi Chibi. To destroy Chaos, she decided that she also had to destroy the Galaxy Cauldron, and so in the form of Chibi Chibi she tried to guide her past self, Eternal Sailor Moon, towards that end. Even though Eternal Sailor Moon was determined to save the Cauldron and chose a different path, she nevertheless inspired hope in Sailor Cosmos with her power and courage. She stated that the Eternal Sailor Moon who had saved the galaxy was, in fact, the true form of Sailor Cosmos, and that once she had that same courage and strength, only then would she truly be Sailor Cosmos. Sailor Cosmos' nature was not entirely clear, Naoko Takeuchi herself seemed to imply when questioned that Cosmos' true identity was intended to be ambiguous to everyone, including herself.>>

Come and visit my facebook and etsy shop:

lunedì 1 aprile 2013

Lulu, the Fae Sorceress

Perhaps more than any other champion in the League, Lulu marches to the beat of her own drum. During her youth in Bandle City, she spent most of her time wandering alone in the forest or lost in a daydream. It wasn't that she was antisocial; the day-to-day bustle of Bandle City just couldn't compete with the vibrant world of her imagination. She saw wonder in places most people overlooked. This was how she found Pix, a fae spirit, pretending to be stuck in a birdhouse. Lulu's imagination distinguished her to Pix and he seized the opportunity to lure her into his world. He brought her to the Glade, the enchanted home of the fae, which lay nestled in a clearing in the woods. She and Pix played fae games together, the sorts of games that she had been told were ''make believe''... and she got exceedingly good at them.

''The best path between two points is upside-down, between, then inside-out and round again.''
-- Lulu

This Pendant have measurement of 6,5 cm x 3,5 cm. it is really light and it's a nice gift if u love this champion.

I do not own Lulu, she is property of RIOT Inc. and i f u want to try lulu u can go Play for free at

Ancor più degli altri campioni della Lega, Lulu vivi a modo suo. Nella sua gioventù a Bandle, trascorreva buona parte delle giornate nei boschi, a sognare a occhi aperti. Non era asociale, ma il tran tran di Bandle non poteva competere con la bellezza del suo mondo di fantasia. Trovava lo stupore dove le persone normali non vedevano niente. Fu così che trovò Pix, uno spirito fatato, che stava facendo finta di essere bloccata in un nido d'uccelli. L'immaginazione di Lulu le permise d vederlo, dandogli l'opportunità di portarla nel suo mondo. La portò nella Radura, la dimora incantata delle fate, dove le rigide proprietà del mondo esterno (come i colori e le dimensioni) cambiano continuamente e in maniere inaspettate, come il vento. Lulu si trovò a suo agio, nella Radura, e rimase con Pix, affascinata dal suo luogo segreto. Perse presto la cognizione del tempo. La sua vita nella Radura era confortevole e naturale. Ma quando tornò nel mondo con Pix, scoprì che anche il tempo si comporta diversamente, nella Radura, e che in sua assenza erano passati secoli e secoli. Lulu cercò di riconnettersi con i residenti del mondo esterno, ma senza grandi risultati. Portava i bambini a giocare a nascondino, trasformandoli momentaneamente in fiori e animali, ,a i genitori non apprezzavano i suoi sforzi. Quando gli yordle la spinsero ad abbandonare la loro terra, si rivolse a una realtà dove i suoi magici e strani doni non venivano solo accettati, ma anche adorati: la League of Legends.

''Il miglior percorso per unire due punti passa da sopra, da sotto, da fuori e tutto intorno.'''
-- Lulu

Il ciondolo misura in 6,5 cm di altezza per 3,5 cm di larghezza. E' molto leggera ed è una bellissima idea regalo se siete affezionati a questo champion.

Io non posseggo nessun diritto su Lulu, lei è proprietà della RIOT Inc. Se volete provarla potete andare sul sito e giocare gratis.

Come and visit my facebook and etsy shop:

venerdì 29 marzo 2013

Heartseeker Vayne, the Night Hunter - Pendant

-"I smell black magic. They will be purified"-

-The world is not always as civilized as people might think. There are still those who would follow the blackest paths of magic and become corrupted by the darker powers that flow through Runeterra. Shauna Vayne knows this fact well. She truly believed that her world was one of perfect safety, until one night, when a twisted witch took interest in her father. The malevolent woman overcame her father's conciliar guard, then tortured her family before murdering them. Vayne was able to take care of herself using her father's money, and she began to train as soon as an instructor would have her as a student. By the time she was a fully grown woman, she had become a grim warrior. . The time has come for the Night Hunter to execute her secret mission - to purge the League of Legends.

Not all shadows are to be feared. At least, if Vayne has her way.-

This Pendant have measurement of 6,5 cm x 3,5 cm ( with bow 5cm). it is really light and it's a nice gift if u love this champion.

I do not own Vayne, she is property of RIOT Inc. and i f u want to try Vayne u can go Play for free

Come and visit my facebook and etsy shop

Come and visit my facebook and etsy shop:

giovedì 28 marzo 2013

Miss Fortune, the Bounty Hunter

Miss Fortune, the Bounty Hunter

One day, young Sarah Fortune returned home to hear gunshots and screaming. Her front door was smashed open; inside, she saw her mother lying in a pool of blood. A sudden blow to her head made her collapse next to her slain mother. The last thing she could remember were her attacker's red eyes, as his face was blocked by a rogue's bandana. Miss Fortune has a strong distrust for pirates and she finds herself constantly bickering with the infamous Gangplank (the only captain to resist her charms) over the direction of Bilgewater politics. Her two goals: to unite the people of Bilgewater, making them into a strong and independent society, and to find the pirate who killed her mother. To that end, she has entered the League of Legends as a champion, trading her skills for the wealth and influence that will help her accomplish both.

" Sure u can handle me ....Summoner?"

This Miniature/ Pendant have measurement of 7,5 cm x 4 cm ( with guns she become 7x 7cm). It's a nice gift if u love this champion.

I do not own Miss Fortune, she is property of RIOT Inc. and i f u want to try Miss Fortune u can go Play for free

Come and visit my facebook and etsy shop: